1964 Christmas Meeting
with The Sunday Afternoon Youth Orchestra
CHAIRMAN, The President, Lt. Col. Robert H. Hilborn
On behalf of the Board of Directors and the members of the Empire Club of Canada and our friends I extend a warm and special welcome to His Honour the Lieutenant Governor who continues to serve with great distinction as our first Honorary Vice President. We regret exceedingly that Mrs. Rowe is indisposed and unable to be with us.
Particularly in these days of change when traditions are being questioned, scoffed at and often disregarded, it behooves us to think upon our Club’s dedication to the preser vation of those ties that bind our Commonwealth together. Of the few that remain the Crown is the principal and strongest link and I compliment His Honour on behalf of all our members upon the dedication he has shown as Her Majesty’s representative and for the excellent manner in which he discharges the duties of his high office. We look forward with great anticipation to sharing a Royal occasion with His Honour next year.
His Honour the Lieutenant Governor made a suitable reply.
You will note that in presenting those at the head table there was one conspicuous omission in the penultimate past president of this Club, Mr. Arthur Langley. As you know last year was our Golden Jubilee and it was a year of great activity, excitement and growth. Guiding our Club to the heights it reached was one who gave of his great store of energy, imagination and ability beyond all reasonable expectation. I ask you, Arthur, to accept this scroll bearing the signature of our Honorary President, His Excellency, the Governor General of Canada, knowing that with it goes the affection and appreciation of all of us in the Empire Club.
Introduction of the Sunday Afternoon Youth Orchestra under the direction and leadership of Mrs. W. J. Rapson.