Presenting THERESA STRATAS Lyric Soprano
Wednesday, December 17, 1958
CHAIRMAN: The President, Lt.-Col. Bruce Legge.
LT. COL. LEGGE: At this large family party of the Empire Club of Canada we honour the immediate Past President of the Club, Lt.-Col. W. H. Montague, O.B.E., E.D., for the excellent discharge of his high and exacting duties last season. Col. Montague directed the affairs of the Empire Club of Canada with a deftness, expertness and enthusiasm which enhanced the traditions of this Club. During his Presidency the Club attained its highest membership and enjoyed a series of brilliant meetings. For his services the Empire Club of Canada presents the accolade of his office, namely, a parchment citation signed by our Honorary President, Field Marshal The Right Honourable Earl Alexander of Tunis, and bearing this inscription: “The Empire Club of Canada acknowledges with grateful thanks the services of Lt.-Col. W. H. Montague, O.B.E., E.D., as President during the year 1957-58.”
Col. Montague, I have great pleasure in presenting this illuminated scroll with our thanks for your splendid contributions to the Empire Club of Canada.
In a gracious reply, Lt.-Col. Montague acknowledged the presentation of the illuminated scroll.
LT.-COL. LEGGE: On the Executive Committee of the Empire Club of Canada we have men of many talents, among whom are the Honourable Paul Hellyer who is a most accomplished musician, and Mr. J. B. McGeachy who is a famous writer, radio and television performer. These two were designated as a special committee to obtain a sparkling Canadian entertainer for the Christmas meeting of this great Club. As a result of their professional devotion to the interests of the Club, they were able to arrange for a soaring young Canadian singer, Miss Theresa Stratas, to present a special concert for us today.
The lovely Theresa Stratas is a Canadian girl of only twenty years of age, who has, by the miracle of her voice, won the unique distinction of the leading role in the Opera Festival Production of La Boheme as well as starring engagements with the Toronto and Houston Symphony Orchestras. As a matter of fact, Miss Stratas, with the nerve-wracking nonchalance of the very young in heart, has just stepped off an aeroplane from Houston, Texas, and come directly from the Airport to entertain us today. As well as shining in the operatic and concert world, Miss Stratas has found a place in the dazzling world of radio and television, and has appeared on Arthur Godfrey’s shows. She has also given many concerts for the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation in the programmes, “The Songs of My People” and “Canadians All”.
Today, accompanied by Mr. Mario Bernardi, Miss Stratas will charm us with a programme consisting of beautiful arias, Greek folk songs and the much loved carols of Christmas. I am honoured to present at this traditional party of the Empire Club of Canada a new Canadian singing star of whom international recognition and renown is confidently predicted.
THANKS OF THE MEETING were expressed by Mr. J. B. McGeachy.