Christmas Meeting

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Speeches on this website are owned by the Empire Club of Canada.

Christmas MeetingWith THE YOUTH CHOIR OF ST. GEORGE’S UNITED CHURCHThursday, December 13, 1962CHAIRMAN: The President, Mr. Palmer Kent, Q.C.

MR. KENT: The Empire Club is pleased to welcome as its special guest on this occasion the representative of Her Majesty the Queen in Ontario, His Honour Lieut.-Col. J. Keiller MacKay.

At each of our luncheon meetings almost as a matter of form, we toast the Queen and sing, “God save our gracious Queen.” Even though this is done as a matter of form, we welcome this opportunity to re-affirm our allegiance and loyalty to the Crown and to assure His Honour that this Club is dedicated to the purpose of preserving those ties that bind the British Commonwealth. As allegiance to the Crown is the strongest of the few remaining ties, may 1, on behalf of our members, tell him that we are devoted subjects of the Queen and that we are anxious to do what we can to strengthen the loyalty of all Canadians to the Crown.

May I also compliment His Honour on the excellent manner in which he has occupied the post of Her Majesty’s representative during the last five years. I hope that he will also convey our compliments to his charming wife, who was unable to be with us today. She has been most gracious and efficient as an assistant and consort to Your Honour in the performance of your many duties. We are very proud of both.

His Honour the Lieutenant-Governor made a suitable reply.

We also welcome to this annual Christmas Party all our guests-the wives, families and friends of our members. One of the objects of holding this luncheon each year is to have our members and their families capture and remember the real purpose of Christmas. It is a joyous and happy occasion for everyone but also it is the most important Holiday of the year, set aside to remember and celebrate the birth of a Man who lived on this Earth nearly 2000 years ago. For a brief period therefor, I ask you to put to one side the commercial aspects of Christmas, the worry about family gifts, the greeting cards that may be overlooked, the worry about family gifts, the greeting cards that may be overlooked, the social engagements, and try to absorb some of the real spiritual atmosphere of the Christmas season.

“It is my pleasant duty at this time to present to our immediate past president, Dr. Z. S. Phimister, a scroll to commemorate his year as the President of this Club.

Dr. Phimister is the Director of Education for the City of Toronto and the Club was extremely fortunate to have a person with his outstanding abilities and wide experiences to preside over its affairs. He personally overcame many difficulties which threatened to disrupt the regularity of our meetings and in this connection I refer particularly to the strike of the employees of the Royal York Hotel which lasted for almost a year. The Hotel was able to provide us with good service during this period but the strike compelled a great many of the persons invited to address us to decline invitations or to cancel engagements.

“However Dr. Phimister was able to cope with all such difficulties-and on behalf of the members of the Empire Club, I now present to him this scroll in appreciation of his great service to us throughout the year and to commemorate his year in this high office.”

The scroll was then read and presented.

Introduction of The Youth Choir of St. George’s United Church under the leadership of Mr. Lloyd Bradshaw, Organist and choir master.

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