2021 Nation Builder of the Year

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December 9, 2021

The Empire Club of Canada Presents

2021 Nation Builder of the Year

Chairman: Kelly Jackson, President, The Empire Club of Canada; Vice-President, External Affairs & Professional Learning, Humber College

Award Recipient

Chief Perry Bellegarde, Former National Chief of the Assembly of First Nations


Omar Sachedina, National Affairs Correspondent, CTV National News

Distinguished Guest Speakers

Dan Longboat, Associate Professor, Chanie Wenjack School for Indigenous Studies, Trent University

Kiya Bruno, Singer, Samson Cree Nation

Anthony Rota, Speaker of the House of Commons of Canada

Chris Angeconeb, President and CEO, Big Tree Carbon Corp.

Justin Trudeau, Prime Minister of Canada

Buffy Sainte-Marie, Singer-Songwriter

Ronna Ambrose, former Cabinet Minister & Interim Leader, Conservative Party of Canada

Chelsey and Jaaji June, Twin Flames

Paul Martin, Former Prime Minister of Canada

Bruce Heyman, Former US Ambassador to Canada

Sean Rosen, Executive Chair, Board of Directors, Osisko Gold Royalties

Louise Halfe – Sky Dancer, Canada’s Parliamentary Poet Laureate

David Dandeneau, Board Chair, Manito Ahbee Festival

Lisa Meeches, Founding Partner, Eagle Vision

Adrian Burns, Chair, National Arts Centre Board of Directors

Natan Obed, President, Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami

Michael White, President & CEO, IBK Capital Corp


It is a great honour for me to be here at the Empire Club of Canada today, which is arguably the most famous and historically relevant speaker’s podium to have ever existed in Canada. It has offered its podium to such international luminaries as Winston Churchill, Ronald Reagan, Audrey Hepburn, the Dalai Lama, Indira Gandhi, and closer to home, from Pierre Trudeau to Justin Trudeau. Literally generations of our great nation’s leaders, alongside with those of the world’s top international diplomats, heads of state, and business and thought leaders.

It is a real honour and distinct privilege to be invited to speak to the Empire Club of Canada, which has been welcoming international diplomats, leaders in business, and in science, and in politics. When they stand at that podium, they speak not only to the entire country, but they can speak to the entire world.

Welcome Address by Kelly Jackson, President, The Empire Club of Canada

Good afternoon, bonjour, tansi, tawâw, past presidents, board members, friends, and members of the Empire Club of Canada. My name is Kelly Jackson, and I am the Board President, of the Empire Club of Canada. Welcome to our third-annual Nation Builder of the Year Award, the club’s signature event of the year, where we recognize and celebrate an individual or group who, throughout the past year, has made a significant contribution to making Canada a stronger, and more unified country. Three years ago, we presented the inaugural award to the Toronto Raptors, who, through the power of sport, made Canada as joyful as it was proud, to see this extraordinary team become NBA World Champions, unifying Canadians with the We the North campaign. Last year, the Empire Club recognized frontline workers, the men and women who have worked so tirelessly and bravely to support us throughout the pandemic. This year, a strong and unifying voice emerged, advocating that we should learn from historical mistakes of the past, to make both the First Nations communities, and the non-Indigenous peoples of Canada stronger, through education, empathy, partnership, and respect. This voice belongs to one of the great human rights advocates of our era, the immediate past National Chief of the Assembly of First Nations, Chief Perry Bellegarde. His message was one of hope, and strength, based on a premise that is as simple as it is logical: a stronger First Nations, makes a stronger Canada.

To begin our program, I would like to acknowledge that I’m hosting this event within the Traditional and Treaty Lands of the Mississaugas of the Credit, and the homelands of the Anishinaabe, the Haudenosaunee, and the Wyandot Peoples. In acknowledging Traditional Territories, I do so from a place of understanding the privilege my ancestors and I have had in this country, since they first arrived here in the 1830’s. I want to recognize that this past September, across the country, many dedicated time on the first National Day of Truth and Reconciliation, to learn more about the experiences of Indigenous children who were forced to attend Residential Schools. Many of those individual stories are untold, buried with them in the land; and many survivors who tried to tell those stories were not believed. I hope we continue to find ways throughout the year, to honour these survivors and to hear their stories. As we connect past actions to present realities, listening and learning from each other is so important, and we encourage everyone tuning in today to learn more about the Traditional Territory on which you work and live.

If you require technical assistance at any point during this event, please start a conversation with our team, using the chat button on the right-hand side of your screen. We also invite you to share your thoughts on social media throughout the event, using the hashtags displayed on the screen. To those watching on demand later, and to those tuning in on the podcast, welcome.

The Empire Club of Canada is a non-profit organization, so it’s important we recognize our sponsors, who have made this event possible, and complimentary for all to attend. As you will see, we have a long list of organizations to acknowledge, demonstrating the wide community support for this year’s award, and its recipient. Thank you to our presenting sponsors. IBK Capital Corp, Big Tree Carbon Corp, and Osisko Gold Royalties; and to our major sponsors, Alamos Gold, AurCrest Gold, Enerev5 Metals, Hive Blockchain Technologies Ltd, LiUNA, New Age Metals, RBC, TD Securities, TELUS, and Waste Connections of Canada. Thank you to our supporting sponsors, Agnico Eagle Mines Ltd, ArcPacific Resources Corp, Bold Ventures, Bruce Power, Canada Lands Company, Canada Nickel Company, Canadian Bankers Association, Canadian Securities Exchange, Emmanuele Family, Equity Participation, Fortis Inc, Fromm Corp, Holmer Gold Mines, IBM Canada, Kayjay Realty Inc, Kreative Ventures Ltd, Noble Mineral Exploration Ltd, ONEX, Poet Technologies, Providential Pictures, Seneca College, Spruce Ridge Resources, Tech Resources, Torstar, the University of British Columbia, and the University of Regina, and thank you to our in kind sponsors, Humber College and Navigator. I would also like to note that the Empire Club Foundation is supporting this event, by providing schools, universities, and colleges across Canada, with a special teachers guide, to promote discussion on the themes raised during today’s program.

It is now my honour to introduce a great Indigenous leader and academic, Dr. Dan Longboat, who will provide a blessing for the ceremony we are about to witness. This will be followed by a rendition of “O Canada”, performed in English and Cree by the very talented Samson Cree teen, Kaya Bruno, who you may have seen at some of her recent performances opening national sporting events

Dan Longboat, Associate Professor, Chanie Wenjack School for Indigenous Studies, Trent University

[Blessing Delivered in Kanien’kéha]

All of us, the human beings, have been instructed to give thanks, and to extend our greetings and appreciation and respect to all of the things that work to sustain it to perpetuate life. And so, this many of us that are gathered together here today, we extend our Greetings and thanks to our families and our communities, to all of the ones that have been here before, and all the ones that are yet to come, we send greetings and thanks to all of the human beings. We send greetings and thanks to our Mother, the earth, that she is still doing the work that she was given, so long time ago, to promote, and to strengthen, and to provide for all of life. We thank all of the waters of the earth, that they’re still doing their job that they were given so long ago, to carry life, and to promote it, and to strengthen all of us as the human beings, and to strengthen all of life. We send greetings and thanks to all of the things that are on the earth, the plants, the medicines, the foods that we eat, the trees, the birds, all of the insects, all of the things that are walking and moving above the Earth, we send greetings and thanks to them that they’re still working hard for the continuation of life. We send greetings and thanks to the things that are above the earth, our Grandmother, the moon, our Elder Brother, the sun, our Grandfathers the thunders, all of the things that are moving about, the circulation of winds that bring us seasons, all of the things that are there, that providing for the continuation of life, we send greetings and thanks to them with one mind. And then now to the Four Beings, the ones that have manifested themselves throughout time, that they have manifested and brought the messages to us about how to be real human beings, and that they have cared for us, and protected us, and guided us throughout time. And so, we send greetings and thanks to the Four Beings, and ask them that they would still continue to watch over us, the human beings. And then with one mind, and our most choicest words, and our best thoughts, we send greetings to our Great Creator, Shonkwaia’tison, the one that made all of us as the human beings. He breathed life into us, and he gave us our original instructions. He told us to love one another, to respect and to learn from all of nature, and to give thanks. And in this process of that we are fulfilling now, we are thanking our Great Creator, who gave us those instructions, and out of his mind came what we refer to now as life. So, with that many words now we have fulfilled our responsibility, and we ask now that we, as a special blessing, to continued to give power and strength to our great brother, Perry Bellegarde, that he can continue the work that he was set out. We would ask for a special blessing for him, for his friends and his family, and his community, and for the Nations that they would continue to be the real human beings ,and they will continue to love and care for one another. And so, with this many words, we are finished fulfilling our responsibility and giving thanks.[Sign-off in Kanien’kéha]

Kiya Bruno, Singer, Samson Cree Nation

Hello, my name is Kiya Bruno, and I’m 14 years old, from Samson Cree Nation in Muscatine, Alberta, and today I’m going to be singing the Canadian national anthem in Cree and English.

[O Canada Performed in Cree and English]

Kelly Jackson

Thank you for that lovely blessing, Dr. Longboat, and thanks to Kiya Bruno for a wonderful rendition of our national anthem. Up next is a special video tribute, courtesy of Humber College in Toronto.

Video Tribute from Humber College

We are shaped each day by our relations with each other, teachings of Wahkohtowin describe creation as a large network of extended familial relationships, and life as a collection of experiences that reach out from oneself to family, community, and Nation, contributing to the collective well-being of the whole. This practice of building and nurturing relationships, and focusing on collective well-being, is what Chief Perry Bellegarde has put into action throughout his career. For more than 35 years, he has been at the forefront of First Nations leadership and advocacy. He has fought for Indigenous rights, and human rights, while building bridges within Canada, and globally. Earlier this year, Chief Bellegarde completed his second term as National Chief of the Assembly of First Nations, a term highlighted by the Federal Parliament’s passage into law of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples Act, legislation that is foundational to advance in reconciliation. With the discovery of numerous unmarked graves at the sites of former Residential Schools this past spring, Chief Bellegarde challenged Canadians to seize this as a critical moment of understanding about the country’s history with Indigenous peoples, and to actively engage in dialogue, to create understanding and action. As we think about how we will tackle the urgent social, economic and environmental challenges of our time, we know transformative change is required; and that can only be done together. We must continue to acknowledge both unique histories, and present realities, and to dedicate ourselves to building relationships across our communities and Nations. Only together, using all ways of being, knowing, and doing, will we continue to build a strong Canada.

Kelly Jackson

Thank you, Humber, for giving us that glimpse into Chief Bellegarde’s act of leadership. Many Canadians are listening to Chief Bellegarde’s words of inspiration, including many in our Canadian Parliament. In fact, the Speaker of the House, the Honourable Anthony Rota, will be placing a copy of the Nation Builder Award into the Official Archives of the Library of Parliament. Let’s hear from him why this is so important.

Video Message from Anthony Rota, Speaker of the House of Commons of Canada

Hello and welcome. My name is Anthony Rota, and I come from Nipissing-Timiskaming. It is my honour today to convey my congratulations to Perry Bellegarde, the 2021 Nation Builder of the Year Award, presented by the Empire Club of Canada. Si nous ne pouvons pas, revenir en personne pour le moment, je suis toute fois heureux d’avoir cette chance de transmette mes félicitations Through his more than three decades of leadership and advocacy on behalf of Indigenous rights, Mr. Bellegarde has embodied the triumph of hope over despair, encouraging Canadians to recognize that true reconciliation is possible, if we work towards it together. Last July 1, Mr. Bellegarde said the best story of Canada has yet to be written. Today, I thank him for his faith in our country, and our people, and for his many years of service to First Nations people. I am honoured to have been trusted with the award certificate, which will now become a part of the Library of Parliament collection.

Kelly Jackson

We will now hear from presenting sponsor, Big Tree Carbon Corp. This video was shot outside, on land of significance and importance to Big Tree Carbon Corp.’s President and CEO, Chris Angeconeb—and you may hear some wind coming through the audio feed.

Video Message from Chris Angeconeb, President and CEO, Big Tree Carbon Corp.

Greetings from Obishikokaang Traditional Territory, the backyard of the Lac Seul First Nation in Northwestern Ontario. My name is Chris Angeconeb. I’m the President and Chief Executive Officer, and a Director of Big Tree Carbon Corp, and of its parent company, AurCrest Gold Inc. We’re pleased to be joining the Empire Club of Canada as presenting and major sponsors, respectively, of this year’s 2021 Nation Builder of The Year. This year, the Empire Club of Canada has chosen to honour and celebrate the achievements of former AFN National Chief, Perry Bellegarde. We invite all to join us in celebration. Miigwetch. Thank you.

Kelly Jackson

And now, it is my privilege to introduce our esteemed moderator, CTVs Omar Sachedina, National Affairs Correspondent for CTV National News. He is one of the brightest and most beloved journalists we have working in the country today. Canadians know him for his in-depth coverage of significant breaking news stories, both here at home, and around the world, as well as anchoring CTV’s National News broadcast. I am delighted to welcome him for the first time to the Empire Club of Canada, and I’m really looking forward to his upcoming interview with Chief Bellegarde, later in our program today. Omar, welcome. And over to you.

Omar Sachedina, National Affairs Correspondent, CTV National News

I can’t tell you how very pleased I am to be with you here today. Je suis ravi d’être ici cet après-midi, et je félicite le chef Bellegarde sur cet distinction incroyable. For more than a century, the Empire Club has been a pivotal and dynamic forum for ideas from leading newsmakers and Nation Builders. These speakers have not only shaped this country, but also history, beyond Canada’s borders. It goes without saying that I’m grateful, truly grateful, for this opportunity to help recognize and honour a truly great Canadian and First Nations leader, someone whom I deeply respect and value. There are several politicians, community leaders and artists who will be saying a few words in Chief Bellegarde’s honour today; they represent a selection of people who have worked closely with him throughout his career. Let’s begin now with a message from Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.

Video Message from Justin Trudeau, Prime Minister of Canada

Hello, everyone, bonjour à tous, it’s wonderful to be with you all to celebrate our friend Perry. Through his many years of service, Perry has made our country a better, more equitable place for everyone, and for that, I can’t think of anyone more deserving of this award. So, congratulations Perry, and thank you to the Empire Club for recognizing him and lifting him up. For the past six years, I’ve had the pleasure to work alongside Perry to advance reconciliation and build a better future for First Nations people across Canada. Through his advocacy and his leadership, we’ve worked together in partnership to make real progress on the issues identified by First Nations. We’ve reformed Child and Family Services, protected Indigenous languages and culture, adopted the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, eliminated over 100 long-term drinking water advisories, and have a plan to eliminate the remaining ones. We’ve closed the funding gaps in First Nations kindergarten through grade 12 education, created a National Day for Truth and Reconciliation, and changed the Oath of Citizenship to include the recognition of Indigenous peoples, and Perry was part of every single one of those initiatives. Mes amis, nous n’avions pu prendre ces mesures importantes sans le partenariat et la vision de Perry. Et tandis que nous continuons d’avancer sur le chemin indispensable de la réconciliation, je sais que Perry restera le leader qu’il a toujours été, celui qui dirige avec empathie et l’espoir dans un esprit rassembleur. Perry, thank you, my friend for everything you’ve done. I can’t wait to see what you do next. Once again, congratulations.

Omar Sachedina

So many people wanted to be a part of this event today, a testament to Chief Bellegarde’s enduring influence, and of course his leadership. We’re now going to hear from two of Chief Bellegarde’s long-time friends, the talented Buffy Sainte-Marie, a much-loved Canadian artist who was recently honoured with a commemorative stamp by Canada Post, and Ronna Ambrose, former Cabinet Minister and Interim Leader of the Conservative Party of Canada.

Video Message from Buffy Sainte-Marie

I want to thank everybody at the Empire Club for the opportunity to join in the applause for our friend, and relative, and colleague, Perry Bellegarde. Ever since our early acquaintance in Fort Qu’Appelle, our Treaty 4 days, you’ve been a clear and consistent voice on some of our most important issues, local, national, and international, and I’m grateful for your leadership. Wishing you the very best Perry, now and in the future. Kinanâskomitin chi-miigwetch. Well done!

Video Message from Ronna Ambrose, former Cabinet Minister and Interim Leader of the Conservative Party of Canada

Hi everyone. Chief Perry Bellegarde is truly a Nation Builder. Filled with passion, and humility, and integrity, he’s a leader who has brought us together to understand what reconciliation can really look like. And he’s done it with respect, and dignity, encouraging and educating all of us to do a lot better. Perry is not only an advocate for Indigenous people, but for all human rights, and for the betterment of this country as a whole. So, Perry, congratulations and Val, thank you for sharing him with us. And thank you both for making this country a better place.

Omar Sachedina

I’m delighted to introduce multi award-winning musical duo Twin Flames, who have created a very special performance to honour Perry today. Chelsey June is Métis of Algonquin Cree heritage from Ottawa, and Jaaji June is Inuk and Mohawk, from Nunavik and Kahnawá:ke, and they are part of an Indigenous Renaissance. Their cultural background spans Canada’s geography, and their songs, delivered through a mix of English, French, and Inuktitut, have helped them earn a unique place among contemporary music-makers from coast-to-coast-to-coast. And just a little personal touch for everyone watching today, Twin Flames actually performed at Chief Bellegarde’s wedding, and I’ve got to say their union is a testament to true love. Chief Bellegarde was telling me a little while ago, in fact, that Val has been there for him every step of the way. So, enjoy.

Chelsey and Jaaji June, Twin Flames

Hi, I’m Chelsey June and I’m Jaaji, and we are Twin Flames. Congrats Perry, on being the recipient of the Nation Builders Award. This song is for you. It’s called Friends. Congrats again.

[Twin Flames’ song Friends is performed]

Omar Sachedina

What a beautiful sound, and just incredible harmonies. And now we’ll hear from former Prime Minister, and Indigenous Children’s Education Advocate, Paul Martin; and former US Ambassador to Canada, Bruce Heyman.

Video Message from Paul Martin, Former Prime Minister of Canada

Perry Bellegarde knew what his priorities were, and he acted on them. He was a leader when it came to First Nations education, to child welfare, and to the environment. He was a leader, who will be known for the significant progress he achieved. He built relationships with all kinds of people, and he succeeded, because he was able to build trust, and establish confidence in every situation he faced. He proposed solutions, close gaps, and I know he will never give up. Canada’s relationship with the Indigenous peoples of the land has been contentious at times, but Canada can become an example for all to follow. And Perry Bellegarde has led the way.

Video Message from Bruce Heyman, Former US Ambassador to Canada

This is very exciting. Chief Perry Bellegarde, my friend, getting recognized by the Empire Club as Nation Builder of the Year. You know, there’s no better person that should be recognized for their outstanding leadership, of bringing the community of Nations together across Canada. You will be missed, I know, as National Chief, but getting this award is a real culmination of the great work that you’ve done, not only this past year, but for so many years. It’s been a privilege to work with you, and it’s a privilege for me to congratulate you today on this in amazing achievement. Congrats Perry.

Kelly Jackson

Now, we will hear from presenting sponsor, Osisko Gold Royalties.

Video Message from Sean Rosen, Executive Chair, Board of Directors, Osisko Gold Royalties

Hi everyone. On behalf of the Osisko Group of companies, we are pleased to support this event, and recognize Perry Bellegarde for his leadership. As a Canadian Nation builder, Mr. Bellegarde has devoted 35 years of his life to advocacy and leadership on behalf of the First Nations. At the Osisko Group, we take our partnership with First Nations communities as an article of faith. In Québec, British Columbia, First Nations communities host our assets, provide vital community support, and are among our most valued employees, managers, and partners. Our culture of partnership exists because it’s right, and as a testament to leaders like Mr. Bellegarde, who are charting new ways to collaborate and build a better country for all of us. On behalf of Osisko Group, we thank you, and we wish you the best of luck with all of your next adventures.

Kelly Jackson

Chief Bellegarde has dedicated his life to advancing the rights and well-being of First Nations across Canada. He was elected as the National Chief of the Assembly of First Nations exactly seven years ago, in December of 2014, and re-elected in 2018. In this role, he advocated on behalf of diverse First Nations communities in Canada, an extraordinary political and complex feat. His accomplishments are numerous and significant, including championing the passage of important legislation, such as the Indigenous Languages Act. But the award we are presenting Chief Bellegarde with today, speaks to what he accomplished specifically this past year, a time of reckoning, with people reliving and reflecting on a traumatic period in our country’s past, that continues to impact us all today. Chief Bellegarde communicated a way forward, a future with hope, and possibility, and a shared notion that only together can we acknowledge and learn from our past and create a better future for all. For this extraordinary accomplishment, it is my great privilege to present Chief Bellegarde, of the Little Black Bear First Nation, with the Empire Club of Canada’s greatest honour, the Nation Builder of the Year Award for 2021. It is now my pleasure to invite Chief Bellegarde to join me, to accept the 2021 Nation Builder of the Year award.

Chief Perry Bellegarde, Former National Chief of the Assembly of First Nations

Thank you Kelly. Thanks so much. This is awesome

Kelly Jackson

Congratulations. And now, Chief Bellegarde we would be delighted if you would say a few words.

Chief Perry Bellegarde

Thanks, Kelly. [Remarks in Cree]. Bonjour mes amis, bienvenue à tous. To all my relatives and friends, I greet you all in a humble respectful way. I am Cree and Lakota, from the Little Black Bear First Nation, and like most of you, I’m also a treaty person. Little Black Bear entered into Treaty 4 with Queen Victoria in 1874, when Canada was still a very young nation. I was raised to understand that treaty through a First Nations worldview. It’s all about relationships, right relationship among our people, and right relationship between human beings, are too like a tribe, and all of creation. Treaty-making is a sacred act, meant to build lasting bonds of mutual respect, peace, and friendship between First Nations, and the newcomers to our lands. And that’s why we still say we are all treaty peoples, an expression that embraces all of our neighbours. And today, in a world that’s increasingly divided, in where we face such profound threats to our health, and our survival, I believe that the pursuit of right relationship is more important than ever. I’m honoured to be named Nation Builder of the Year by the Empire Club of Canada—and I’ll admit that the very name Empire Club gives me pause. However, as I told the organization, to be recognized as a Nation Builder is an honour that I’m very proud to embrace. And let me explain. For me, Nation building has two meanings that must go hand in hand. The first, is the work of restoring First Nations as Nations in the fullest sense of the word. To thrive in the 21st century, First Nations must have the freedom to make our own decisions, according to our own values, and our traditions, and our customs, and our laws. That is the essential foundation for ensuring future generations can thrive and prosper as First Nations, the way that our ancestors intended.

The second aspect of nation-building is the still unfinished work of making Canada that just and fair country that has always claimed to be, and this requires Canada to finally come to terms, to reconcile itself to the reality of un-surrendered, undiminished Indigenous sovereignty. It also requires restoring the balance between Canadian society, and the natural world that sustains all of us. The treaty relationship was intended to last as long as the sun shines, the rivers flow, and the grass grows. And today, we are living through a time of pandemic, economic crisis, and the growing threat of a global environmental catastrophe. It seems like every day; we are given new reasons to fear for the world that our children and our grandchildren will inherit. As we are already seeing, our climate, and the earth itself, things that had seemed eternal to our ancestors, are now in peril. Rebuilding from COVID, and developing the resilience needed to face future pandemics, and addressing the threat of climate change, will all require profound changes in society, and the economy, changes we cannot possibly achieve, unless we can unite behind common goals. Our future, all of our futures, will depend on our ability to break down the walls that divide us. We all need to learn with people who are different from us, with whom we disagree, even if the conversations are difficult—and I would say, especially if the conversations are difficult.

The original spirit and intent of the treaties, it’s all about peaceful coexistence, and mutual respect, across the divisions of Nation and culture. It really means learning to live and work together. True inclusivity, includes not just greater opportunity for individual participation in the institutions and structures of Canada, but also inclusivity of worldviews, of knowledge systems, and laws, so that those institutions and structures will change for the better. It is my deep conviction that such inclusivity will ultimately benefit all Canadians. Put simply, First Nations have a lot to offer in making this country a better place for all of our children and grandchildren. I am planning to devote my life to building a better world, by working with those who share my conviction. Together, we can ensure that future generations have the chance to grow up and thrive in a safe and healthy environment. There’s still time to take meaningful action on climate change, needed to make this future possible, and there’s still time to care for our natural world. And we can all work hard to achieve racial justice. My model, as always, is the example of my ancestors, who taught us that peace, friendship, and mutual respect, are the foundations of nation-building. Now, more than ever, we need to be in right relation with each other, and with the world around us. [Remarks in Cree]. Thank you so much.

Kelly Jackson

Chief Bellegarde, thank you for your kind, generous words, causing us to reflect, and to be hopeful at the same time. To acknowledge there’s much progress still to be made on many fronts, but knowing if we come together, and we respect each other, we can find ways to get there. To commemorate today’s ceremony and commitment to First Nations education, the Empire Club will be making a $25,000 donation to the First Nations University of Canada, Perry Bellegarde Leadership Scholarship. We’re honoured to support and help advance Indigenous education in Canada. I would like to now turn it back over to Omar.

Omar Sachedina

Kelly, thank you so much. I’m so excited and thrilled to be speaking to you face-to-face—we’ve worked on a few stories tog

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Territory Acknowledgement

We acknowledge that we live, work, meet and travel on the traditional territories of Indigenous Peoples that have cared for this land, now called Canada, since time immemorial. These lands are either subject to First Nations self-government under modern treaty, unceded and un-surrendered territories, or traditional territories from which First Nations, Métis and Inuit Peoples have been displaced.

This website was made possible through a generous donation from the Jackman Foundation and the Hal Jackman Foundation.

Promotional support provided by the Canadian Association of Principals, the Canadian Research Knowledge Network, and the University of Toronto Library System.