Found 3524 Results
Sal Rabbani 01:27 Good evening. Welcome to the 120th season of the Empire club of Canada. To everyone joining us today. Thank you for your participation and support. You are...
The Empire Club of Canada Presents Better, Faster, Safer: Ontario’s Transportation Future with Hon Prabmeet Sarkaria Chairperson: Kelly Jackson, President, Board of Directors, Empire Club of Canada Moderator Rod Phillips,...
Dr. Margaret MacMillan Provost and Vice-Chancellor, Trinity College, University of TorontoThe Start of a New World Order?Chairman: Dr. John S. NilesPresident, The Empire Club of CanadaHead Table Guests Jocelyn Badovinac,...
A joint meeting of The Empire Club of Canada and The Canadian Club of Toronto Gerard Kennedy, Former Ontario Minister of Education and Candidate for Leader of the Liberal Party...
Anthony S. Fell, Chairman, RBC Capital MarketsDavid A. Rosenberg, Chief North America Economist, Merrill LynchMiklos Nagy, CFA, President and CEO,Quadrexx Asset management Inc.2006 Investment OutlookChairman: William G. Whittaker, President,The Empire...
Edward Greenspon Editor-in-Chief, The Globe and Mail Tony Burman Editor-in-Chief, CBC English Services Division-“CBC News,” “Current Affairs” and “Newsworld” Robert Hurst President, CTV News MEDIA EVENT–WHAT IS NEWS? Chairman: Bart...
Nick BarisheffFounder and President, Bullion Management Services Inc.Daniel E. Chornous, CFA Chief Investment Officer, RBC Asset Management Inc. Jeffrey G. RubinChief Economist and Chief Strategist, Managing Director, CIBC World Markets...
A joint meeting of The Empire Club of Canada and The Canadian Club of TorontoFrederick SturmExecutive Vice-President and Chief Investment Strategist, MacKenzie Financial CorporationAnne-Mette de Place Filippini, Vice-President and Portfolio...
Jim ExcellPresident and CEO, Ekati Diamond Mine, BHP Billiton Diamonds Inc.THE EKATI DIAMOND MINE-SUCCESS IN CANADA’S NORTHChairman: William G. Whittaker 3rd Vice-President,The Empire Club of CanadaHead Table Guests David Agnew,...
John McCallum Liberal Candidate, MarkhamTHE CANADIAN ECONOMY: SUCCESSES AND CHALLENGESChairman: John A. Campion Past President, The Empire Club of Canada Head Table Guests George L. Cooke, President and CEO, The...
THE LLOYD GEORGE MEETINGSWhen it was announced that the Rt. Hon. David Lloyd George would visit Canada arrangements were made by the leaders of the Brotherhood Movement to have him...
CRADLE LANDS OF CANADIAN INDIANSAN ADDRESS BY VERY REV. W. R. HARRIS, D.D., LL.D.Before the Empire Club of Canada, Toronto Oct. 26, 1916 MR. PRESIDENT AND GENTLEMEN,–Before entering upon the...
Lionel Hurtubise, Chairman, Ericsson Communications Inc.SUCCESSFULLY MANAGING A GLOBAL BUSINESS IN GOOD AND BAD TIMESChairman: Gareth S. Seltzer, President, The Empire Club of Canada Head Table Guests Bart Mindszenthy, Partner,...
THE PLAY SPIRIT AND PLAYGROUNDS IN TORONTO.Address by Mr. J. J. KELSO, Ontario Superintendent of Neglected Children, before the Empire Club of Canada. Mr. President and Gentlemen,– I want to...
THE RECORD OF THE CANADIANCAVALRY BRIGADEAN ADDRESS BY MAJOR-GENERAL, TIM RT. HONOURABLE J. E. B. SEELY, C.B., D.S.O., M.P.Before the Empire Club of Canada, Toronto,October, 4, 1920. (On behalf of...
THE PSYCHOLOGY OF THE SUFFRAGETTEAn Address by PROFESSOR ANDREW MACPHAIL, M.A., of McGill University, Montreal, before the Empire Club of Canada, on Jan. 20th, 1910. Mr. President and Gentlemen,– I...
PALESTINE AND THE MIDDLE EASTAN ADDRESS BY THE REVEREND WENDELL PHILLIPS Chairman: The President, Mr. C. R. Conquergood Thursday, March 22. 1945 MR. CONQUERGOOD: Next week, at Easter, much of...
Frederic L. R. Jackman, President, Invicta Investments Incorporated and President, The Empire Club of Canada. MEDIA AND SOCIETY: CLOSING THE GAP Chairman: John Campion First Vice-President, The Empire Club of...
The Hon. Willard Z. Estey, Chairman, Ontario Press Council; and Former Canadian Supreme Court JusticeFREEDOM OF EXPRESSION VS. THE INDIVIDUAL’S RIGHT TO PRIVACYChairman: Dr. Frederic L. R. Jackman President, The...
"BRAVO … ENCORE! SALUTE OUR BALLET, OPERA AND SYMPHONY"Henry N.R. Jackman, President, The Ballet-Opera House CorporationSir Neville Marriner, C.B.E., A.R.C.M., Founder and Director, Academy of St. Martin-in-the-FieldsChairman: Nona Macdonald President...
The Hon. Frank McKenna, Premier of New BrunswickA NEW AGENDA FOR CANADAIntroduction: Roland LutesPresident, The Canadian Club of Toronto The topic of today’s address is A New Agenda For Canada....
DECEMBER 10,1981Conservatism—Myth and RealityAN ADDRESS BY Peter M. Blaikie, NATIONAL PRESIDENT, PROGRESSIVE CONSERVATIVE ASSOCIATION OF CANADACHAIRMAN The President,BGen. S. F. Andrunyk, O.M.M., C. D. BGEN. ANDRUNYK: Mr. Minister, distinguished guests,...
The Hon. Jean Corbeil, Minister of TransportTRANSPORT IN CANADA AND NATIONAL UNITYIntroduction: John F. BankesPresident, The Empire Club of Canada A popular pastime for North Americans is to peer through...
Frank CleggGeneral Manager, Microsoft CanadaTRENDS IN COMPUTER TECHNOLOGYChairman: David EdmisonPresident, The Empire Club of Canada Head Table Guests Bill Whittaker, Q.C., Partner, Lette Whittaker and an Honorary Director, The Empire...
Gordon Gibson, Author"THIRTY MILLION MUSKETEERS"Chairman: David Race, The Fraser Institute Introduction by David Race Gordon Gibson My purpose here today is to talk to you about the future of Canada,...
L. Denis Desautels, Auditor General of CanadaWHAT’S NEEDED TO MAKE GOVERNMENT CHANGE SUCCESSFUL?Chairman: David EdmisonPresident, The Empire Club of Canada Head Table Guests Jeya Nadarajah, CAC student, Western Technical School;...
MEDICAL MALPRACTICE – IS THERE A CRISIS?Dr. J. Robert S. Prichard Dean of Law, University of TorontoChairman: A.A. van Straubenzee President Introduction: Educators should be chosen not merely for their...
NEW ERA IN EDUCATIONLynda K. Palazzi, Regional Superintendent of Program: Peel Board of EducationChairman: A.A. van Straubenzee President Introduction: Stunning and unforgettable. Ubiquitous and inexhaustible. A force in education. Tall...
CONDITIONS IN IRELANDAN ADDRESS BY SIR ROBERT BAIRD. SIR ROBERT was received with applause and said: Coming as I do from North Ireland, the last colony of the British Nation,...
Charles Pachter, Artist and HistorianA ROMANCE WITH CANADAChairman: Ronald Goodall, Chairman of the Toronto Branch of The Royal Commonwealth Society Head Table Guests Marcia McClung, President, Applause Communications and a...
Dr. Paul Steinhauer, Professor of Psychiatry, University of TorontoEFFECTS OF FAMILY STRESS ON CHILDRENChairman: John A. CampionPresident, The Empire Club of Canada Head Table Guests Angus Scott, Honorary Director, The...
Dr. Kenneth Walker, Physician and Medical Journalist and Author of "The Healthy Barmaid"THE HEALTHY BARMAID, THE NEW MINISTER OF HEALTH?Chairman: David EdmisonPresident, The Empire Club of Canada Head Table Guests...
John Palmer, Superintendent of Financial Institutions for CanadaPUBLIC SERVANTS PROTECTING YOUR MONEYChairman: John A. CampionPresident, The Empire Club of Canada Head Table Guests J. Mark O’Regan, FCA, Toronto Office Managing...
June Rowlands, Mayor of TorontoGerry Meinzer, Mayoral CandidateBarbara Hall, Mayoral CandidateMAYORAL DEBATEChairman: John Tory, 3rd Vice-President of The Empire Club of Canada Introduction by Matt Maychak, Host of Metro Morning,...
The Hon. Bob Rae, Premier of Ontario"ADVICE TO THE FUTURE PREMIER OF ONTARIO"Chairman: John A. CampionPresident, The Empire Club of Canada Head Table Guests Shawn Ramos, grade 13 student, Runnymede...
Bob Rae, Premier of Ontario, Gary Filmon, Premier of Manitoba and John Savage, Premier of Nova ScotiaPREMIER BREAKFASTChairman: Herbert Phillipps Jr.President, The Canadian Club of Toronto Introduction by Herbert Phillipps...
In Conversation With Anna Fendi
Anna Fendi, Sal Rabbani
Better, Faster, Safer: Ontario’s Transportation Future with Hon Prabmeet Sarkaria
The Honourable Prabmeet Sarkaria
The Start of a New World Order?
MacMillan, Dr. Margaret
A Debate by Three Liberal Leadership Candidates
Kennedy, Gerard; Dion, Stéphane; Rae, Bob
2006 Investment Outlook
Fell, Anthony S.; Rosenberg, David A.; Nagy, Miklos, CFA
Media Event - What Is News?
Greenspon, Edward; Burman, Tony; Hurst, Robert
2005 Investment Outlook
Barisheff, Nick ; hornous, Daniel E., CFA; Rubin, Jeffrey G.
2004 Investment Outlook
Sturm, Frederick; Filippini, Anne-Mette de Place; Quinn, Mike
The Ekati Diamond Mine - Success in Canada's North
Excell, Jim
The Canadian Economy: Successes and Challenges
McCallum, John
The Lloyd George Meetings
George, Right Hon. David Lloyd
Cradle Lands of Canadian Indians
Harris, Very Rev. W.R.
Successfully Managing a Global Business in Good and Bad Times
Hurtubise, Lionel
The Play Spirit and Playgrounds in Toronto
Kelso, J.J.
The Record of the Canadian Cavalry Brigade
Seely, The Rt. Honourable J.E.B.
The Psychology of the Suffragette
MacPhail, Professor Andrew
Palestine and the Middle East
Phillips, The Reverend Wendell
Media and Society: Closing the Gap
Jackman, Frederic L.R.
Freedom of Expression vs. the Individual's Right to Privacy
Estey, The Hon. Willard Z.
Bravo … Encore! Salute our Ballet, Opera and Symphony
Jackman, Henry N.R. and Marriner, Sir Neville
A New Agenda for Canada
McKenna, The Hon. Frank
Conservatism—Myth and Reality
Blaikie, Peter M.
Transport in Canada and National Unity
Corbeil, the Hon. Jean
Trends in Computer Technology
Clegg, Frank
Thirty Million Musketeers
Gibson, Gordon
What's Needed to Make Government Change Successful?
Desautels, L. Denis
Medical Malpractice—Is There a Crisis?
Prichard, Dr. J. Robert S.
New Era in Education
Palazzi, Lynda K.
Conditions in Ireland
Baird, Sir Robert
A Romance With Canada
Pachter, Charles
Effects of Family Stress on Children
Steinhauer, Dr. Paul
The Healthy Barmaid, the New Minister of Health
Walker, Dr. Kenneth
Public Servants Protecting Your Money
Palmer, John
Mayoral Debate
Rowlands, June; Meinzer, Gerry; Hall, Barbara
Advice to the Future Premier of Ontario
Rae, The Hon. Bob
Premier Breakfast
Rae, Bob; Filmon, Gary; Savage, John
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